Savvy Kingdom is a crocheting community created by James Delong. I created the following YouTube assets based around James’ existing branding.
YouTube Stinger
YouTube Thumbs
YouTube End Screens
YouTube Call To Actions
YouTube Lower Thirds
YouTube Subscribe
Client Feedback
If you want to play on the same level as the top professionals in your field, then you NEED a pro-designer like Paul on your side. His method of design and branding will have your assets on fire and I can’t recommend him enough. Side note: I can honestly say his work ethics and communication is streamlined in such a way that makes the whole process of working with him a piece of cake and one less thing I need to think of. I am thankful to have him in my virtual corner and if he’s available you should jump on the opportunity to work with him.
James Delong – Savvy Kingdom
Contact Me
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